What is the Role of Pain Clinics?

Pain clinics are also called pain management clinic Toronto. Their main focus is on the diagnosis and management of chronic pain and they are health care facilities. There are two types in this- First one focuses on the procedures to deal with some types of pain like back and neck pain. While the second one focuses on the whole person and is sometimes also called an interdisciplinary clinic.


The team may include:

  • Doctors and nurses
  • Psychologists
  • Therapists
  • Vocational and Occupational therapists
  • Dietitians and Nutritionists


Inclusion to medications, these clinics will help you control pain with behavioral, physical, and psychological therapies.


Types of Pain

There are two kinds of pain:


1. Acute pain- Acute pain is usually temporary. This pain has a specific cause as fracture, burn, disease, or other injuries. If something is wrong in your body, then the brain responds this way. By treating the cause, you can get relief but it is sharp in quality. Some of the causes of acute pain are below:

  • Broken bones
  • Burns or Cuts
  • Due to surgery
  • Due to dental work


2. Chronic pain-  When the pain lasts for six months or more, then it is said to be chronic pain. With time it develops into an illness unto itself, needs proper treatment for this pain. In the nervous system pain signals remain active for weeks, months, or years. Some of the causes of chronic pain are below:

  • Neck and back problems
  • Cancer
  • Migraine Headaches
  • Injuries


What should you look for in a pain clinic?


You should choose a pain clinic Toronto with a pain specialist that knows about the kind of pain you are feeling. You should also ask if the doctor has a board certification in pain management and has special training. You would try to find someone you feel as comfortable with as with other doctors.


your pain specialist will treat your pain that includes rehabilitation, counseling, and physical therapy and coordinate other care too. You will need a plan-based goal because a good pain program will work with you and your family.


What are the advantages of Interventional Pain Procedures?


They do not have side effects like medicines interventional pain procedures score over both medicine and surgery. Some advantages of interventional pain procedures are:


  1. Without anesthesia, performed with ease by pain physicians
  2. Immediate relief from pain
  3. Pain relief is obtained from a sufficient period
  4. It is a daycare and outpatient procedure
  5. It is suitable for debilitated and surgically unfit patients
  6. If required, the process can repeat safely.


Despite that, the techniques & knowledge are highly underutilized, although tremendous scientific & technological advances have been made. The absence of proper education among healthcare professionals and lack of awareness leads to misuse of painkillers. The misuse of painkillers results in a high incidence of complications of kidney failure, gastritis, and bone marrow depression. Many people are not aware of interventional pain management techniques that can be helpful for many patients suffering from chronic pain.